MODEL 2000-2500
Distillery K1800N Potstill
- According to European Regulation 97/23/EG
- Potstill, Ø 1800 mm, made of special high-quality copper material, highly-polished and smooth (quality according to hammered copper), 4 mm strong.
- Fill capacity: 2000 -2500l
- Fill opening: Ø 400 mm
- Discharge: Ø 300 mm and 4″ ball valve
- Indirect heating: steam bath covered in stainless steel and insulated
- Shaped helmet: connected using stainless steel flanging without visible screws or gaskets inside or outside. with viewing glasses and thermometer.
- Superaromator: made of copper (special distillation column)
- Ø 500 mm, 1500 mm high with
- 3 bubble caps.
- Bubble caps: new construction with increased copper surface and turbulent motion of the liquid. Free adjustable fluid level on distillation plates – flexible adjustment of alcohol content
and aroma of distilled mash. - Including a pre-condenser in the head of the column (dephlegmator)
- Inspection-glass: 4 viewing windows of NW 125 for each bubble cap and mash return.
- Stainless steel condenser: made of V4A material, Ø 220 mm, 1500 mm high with automatic cooling with a thermostatic regulator valve.
- Safety features: overflow, vacuum breaker, pressure gauge, auto-air-out, steam trap and dirt filter.
- Spirit piping, outflow device for distillate and water installation: completely made of stainless steel way of heating: steam,
- Side-mounted special distillation column
- New distilleries